% var sliders = (slider) ? slider : [] %> <% sliders.map((records) => { %> <%= (records.slider_title) ? records.slider_title : "" %> <%- (records.body) ? nl2br(records.body) : "" %> <%= (records.action_name) ? records.action_name : "" %> <% })%> <%- popular_sakes %> Popular Sakes <% if(products && products.length > 0){ products.map((records, index)=>{ %> <%= (records.product_name) ? records.product_name : 'N/A'%> <%= (records.flavor) ? records.flavor : 'N/A'%> Download <%= records.product_name%> learn more <% }) } %> <%- about_us %> <%- include("../../elements/newsletter.html");%>
<%- (records.body) ? nl2br(records.body) : "" %>
<%= (records.flavor) ? records.flavor : 'N/A'%>
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