<%= displayType+' '+__('admin.setting.settings'); %>

<% if(typeof result != typeof undefined && Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0){ result.forEach(function(records,index){ settingId = (records._id) ? records._id :''; status = (records.status) ? records.status :DEACTIVE; inputType = (records.input_type) ? records.input_type :''; inputValue = (records.value) ? records.value :''; title = (records.title) ? records.title :''; required = (records.required) ? records.required :''; validateType = (records.validate_type) ? records.validate_type :''; if((inputType && inputType!="") && (title && title!="") && (settingId && settingId!="")){ %>
<% if(displayType == 'Site' && title != 'Site Title'){ var statusLinkText = (status == DEACTIVE) ? 'Activate' : "Deactive" ; var statusLinkTitle = (status == DEACTIVE) ? "Click to activate" : "Click to deactivate"; var statusLinkIcon = (status == DEACTIVE) ? "block" : "done"; var statusLinkButton= (status == DEACTIVE) ? "danger" : "success"; %> <%} %> <% if(inputType == "checkbox"){ %>
<% }else if(inputType == "time"){ %> <% }else if(inputType == "date"){ %> <% }else if(inputType == "textarea"){ %> <% }else{ %> <% } %>
<% } }); } %>
<%- contentFor("css") %> <%- contentFor("script") %>